Wednesday, June 10, 2009

"Isabelle as Muse"

Last week when I decided to start my blog, I was reading different friends blogs to see what they actually talk about. I came across a friend of mine blog who is somewhat of a “fashion journalist guru”. He had a picture on his blog that said “model as muse” referring to a book that he wanted. I thought the picture was hot and of course I had my interpretation.

I have had the luxury of working with some great people and models. Through photography, you meet people and help them become an icon to others. So I asked myself, who is my muse? I started to think. One of the first people that came to mind is one of my best friends Isabelle. I met Isabelle during the fall of 2007. She was a senior in college and I was starting my first semester out of school. I became one of her mentors through Epicurean! Fashion Experience. Isabelle inspires me in a lot different ways. She is the type of person that is beautiful no doubt on the outside, but beautiful on the inside as well. What a lot of people don’t know about models is that they are real people… inside. They go through the same procedure to get “glamorous”. So the reason why I consider Isabelle my muse because she is the type of person that can be taken in the simplest form and made into beautiful art. There hasn’t been a vision of mine yet that Isabelle doesn’t make into a reality for me! ~Moe

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